Noelson News
Noelson anticorrosive pigment ZP-01,02,03,04,AC-202,303.404,AC-488,588,688,NSC-400S,NSC-400W etc were continued to introduced to the market. The updating of Noelson standard Zinc Phosphate ZP 409-1,409-2,409-3 and Aluminium Tripolyphosphate TP-303,TP-306 are ongoing. We will work hard to l...Read more -
New Multi-Surface Coating Protects Against COVID-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a novel virus that was discovered to be the cause of a large and rapidly spreading outbreak of respiratory disease, including potentially fatal pneumonia. The disease began in Wuhan, China in January 2020, and has grown to a pandemic and global crisis. The v...Read more -
2020 Global Top 10: Top Paint and Coatings Companies
Annual Ranking of Top Paint and Coatings Companies The Global Top 10 Following is a ranking of the top 10 global coatings manufacturers in 2019. Rankings are based on 2019 coatings sales. Sales of other, non-coating products are not included. 1. PPG Coatings Sales (Net): $15.1 billion 2. The Sher...Read more -
NOELSON Products That Used For Anti-corrosion.
What is Anti-corrosive Pigments? Corrosion to steel is very normal and obvious. Every year, steel replacement all the world costs more than $100 billion. The pigment that reducing the corrosion costing is anti-corrosive pigments. NOELSON Products That Used For Anti-corrosion. Since 1996, NOELSON ...Read more